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UK jury age limit to be raised to 75

Persons until to the age of 75 will be able to take place on juries in England and Wales, following the plans announced by the criminal law minister today.
The proposition to increase the upper age limit of jurors from 70 to 75 is part of a drive to make the system more inclusive and to reflect modern society, the Ministry of Justice said.
Damian Green, the criminal justice minister, said: “The right to be tried by your peers is, and remains, a cornerstone of the British justice system laid down in the Magna Carta almost 800 years ago.
“Our society is changing and it is vital that the criminal justice system moves with the times. The law as it currently stands does not take into account the increases to life expectancy that have taken place over the past 25 years. This is about harnessing the knowledge and life experiences of a group of people who can offer significant benefits to the court process.”
Each year, about 178,000 people in England and Wales undertake jury service, but only those aged between 18 and 70 can sit as jurors. The age range was last amended by the Criminal Justice Act 1988, which raised the upper age limit from 65 to 70, and the latest proposed changes would require a new law, to be brought forward early next year.
It would mean that those aged 70-75 who are summoned would be expected to serve on juries, although the original Juries Act 1974 allows people to be excused jury service if they can show a good reason why they should be.
The planned changes have been welcomed by organisations representing older people.
Saga director of communications Paul Green said: “Older people have a great deal of life experience and many remain astute, savvy and mentally agile well into later life and will be a valued addition to any jury. This is a common sense reform and should be applauded.”
Jane Ashcroft, chief executive of older people’s charity Anchor added: “I welcome this move by the Ministry of Justice to increase the upper age limit for jurors.
“Older people have already contributed a great deal to society and their experiences and views are invaluable, which is why at Anchor more than 300 of our workforce is aged over the traditional retirement age.
“I’m pleased that more older people will now be able to share their wisdom and participate in the criminal justice system.”
What benefits can this change add?
There might have been cases in otherwise mentally healthy people, up to the age of 75, that might have not been able to have a word in the juries.
These people might have been witnesses to  crimes in time, might have known important information about running criminals locations, and many other kinds of information that might have been solved and closed a case faster.
But now that this law passed, the people who had problems in having a say in the court, with important information, passing the old age limit, will be now heard and enabled to influence the decision of the court.
Thanks for the read and keep going!